
Dear Dr. Tasker,

It was a pleasure to meet you during my eye exam & I wanted to say Thank You for the job that you are doing for so very many veterans that need your services.


J. B. Boyd II

Dear Dr. Tasker,

I wanted to thank you so much for helping our troops so tremendously! Your spirit of conviction to aid any service member and familes and veterans is above what I have witnessed in over 4 decades of service. I enjoyed talking to you as well on aspects of leadership! You are certainly an expert in that field as well!

Stay well!

Your humble servant,

M G. Wells

Dear Sir,

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for "Making me look bad". I had an appointment with you on September 24h, 2015 at 10:30 a.m., in San Antonio and had a very informative and supportive conversation.

Your kindness and genuine concern left me with a positive outlook about the VA treatment that we receive as veterans. I work with veterans on a daily basis and used my visit with you as an opportunity to spread the word.

I understand it's easy to want to blame someone so I make it a point to stop veterans and their family members from making the "generalized negative statements associated with the VA health care system" based on assumptions or hearsay; Healthcare professionals do care!

Because of your write-up, I was awarded a disability percentage, and overall increase! I am extremely grateful for your concern regarding my eyesight, and after my visit, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor who referred me to a surgeon; they agreed with your assessment to operate as soon as possible to remove the cataracts.

In closing, I feel that your sincere reassurance for the welfare of veteran's care has shown not only me, but others, that we have some of the best professional's available, and I am a defender of health care providers working for the VA!

F. Ontiveros